(Installer for Windows ME/2000/XP and source code)
Project page
(Bug reporting, stats etc) |
Version 0.76:
- Debugger improvements
- Tournament mode
Version 0.75
- Minor user interface fixes
- Accuracy attribute for weapons, radars and detectors
- Bigger area. Changed from 500x500 to 1000x1000.
- New component: RadarJammer
- New component: RadarDetector
- New weapon: RocketLauncher
- Changed eventhandler to call radar/detector detected
events after each scan until contact is lost. (not just once)
Version 0.74:
- Ship's program execution speed changed from 100 to 1000
tics per second.
- EventHandler
- Better drag and drop
Version 0.72:
- Bullet and torpedo detectors.
Version 0.71:
- Possibility to use variables as command indexes. For
example: Ship.Gun[var1].Fire
- Possibility to run battle several rounds and skip battle
Version 0.70:
Version 0.66:
- New operations: sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, abs,
sqrt, rnd.
Version 0.65:
Version 0.6:
- ShipBuilder
- 3 hulltypes
- 3 guntypes
- 3 radartypes
- Team system
Version 0.5:
- First release on SourceForge under GPL